Sunday, June 8, 2008


I am now done with my blog about most of my discoveries. This is one of the most rarest publishings, so you better be happy HAHAHHH!! JUST KIDDING! But I hope my findings have helped all of you have a deeper understanding of my discoveries!! If any of you people have questions/complaints contact me at . Until next time!!!!! Hope you had a great learning experience.

P.S All credits go to Sir Isaac Newton!!!!=P

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Apple Theory

^^This is an is an illustration of my outstanding event!
I was sitting under a tree and an apple fell down. I was interested in why it falls down like that. I figured out that there is a explanation of why this happens. It is called GRAVITY! Gravity keeps everything in the Earth level and we are not floating! HHAHAHA LOL! Gravity makes us be able to do the things we do. In space, there is no gravity which enables the planets to stay in orbit and stars in place. Thus, because of an apple, I have discovered GRAVITY!!!!!!

Things you might not know about me:
-Because I was born pre-mature, I was not expected to live! (imagine life without me!!)
-I don't believe in satan!(The devil is not real!!!!)
-I am an alchemist.

My Third Law Of Motion!

^^That is an example of the third law applied to a rocket.

For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

-That law means that for every force there is a force, but in the opposite direction.
-Whenever an object pushes another object, it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard.
-For example, when a rocket blasts off, the force lifts it up and then the opposite side has the equal force to let it keep going.

Interesting Facts:
-I am a very religious person.
-I am very passionate about the bible.
-I was born on christmas day in 1942.
-I rarely publish my findings, this blog is one of my rarest occasions where i publish my findings.XD hahaha! You readers are lucky!!!

My Second Law of Motion!

^^ The First picture is an example of a heavy object. The Second Picture is an example of a lighter object.

Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

-Heavier objects take more effort to move.
-Lighter objects take less effort to remove
-If you were to lift up a 20 lb. weight it would me harder to pick up than a 10 lb. weight.
Facts about me that you might not know:
-As a child I used to play the harp and I used to sing!
-I was born in Woolsthorpe Manor in England.
-I was never married!=(

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My First Law of Motion!

^^ The Image Above Explains My First Law. =)

An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.This law is also called "Inertia"

-That law means that things keep doing things that they were doing.
-All objects are effected by their motion.
-If there is no force, the object will remain the way it is.
In short:
If you don't move something, it won't move. If you move it, It will move. It is pretty simple. If you think this law is incorrect, go try and prove me wrong at e-mailing me at Good luck on trying to do that because it is impossible!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA! I will try to post up my last two laws tomorrow if i can!

Facts you might not know about me:
-I was born pre-mature
-I almost became a FARMER!
-When I was a member of Parliament I only spoke ONE sentence!


Today I have stumbled upon this thing called is like an online diary. I will put on all my achievements and accomplishments in this blog. I will also post up some facts about my life that you might not know about me. I will update this regularly everyday until next Monday or so. I hope you will read my blog and stay put for this week because it will be amazing!

-Sir Isaac Newton